The Consumer Guide is sponsored by the American Diabetes Association’s Overcoming Therapeutic Inertia Initiative, which addresses factors that lead to delays in effective care for people with diabetes.
Here’s why that matters to you: Over the past 20 years, the average A1C for a person with diabetes hasn’t changed—despite advances in technology, more education, and new diabetes medications. The number of people with an A1C over 9 percent has actually increased.
Plus, data shows that within a year of diagnosis, less than half of all people with diabetes are taking their prescribed medications.
What’s the solution? That’s what the Overcoming Therapeutic Inertia Initiative aims to determine. The program brings together researchers, health care providers, industry leaders, and others involved in the diabetes world. They’re working to create a roadmap to better care for people with diabetes.
Thank you to these sponsors for helping support the Consumer Guide for people with diabetes:
Strategic Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors